Weight Loss

The program that we offer works along the same principle as
acupuncture but of course we don't use needles so there is no
piercing of the skin. We use a low level laser (also called a
cold or therapeutic laser) to stimulate the acupuncture points
rather than piercing the skin with needles. The laser that we
use is a medical laser, not a surgical laser so there is no heat
or pain. We apply the laser to various points on the body
(meridian points) and ears (auricular points). This helps to
stimulate your own body's abilities for controlled eating and
weight loss.
The areas of the body that we work on are the ears, arms, wrist,
hand, lower leg, ankle, and feet. There is no discomfort and no
disrobing. We just ask that you wear loose fitting slacks or
shorts so that we can have access to the knee area and also
loose fitting or short sleeves so that we can have access to the
upper arm area.
The stimulation of certain points helps us to reduce your
appetite usually about 30% - 50%. We also help to stimulate your
metabolism and get that working better for you. We also do
points to help take away the cravings for sweets like sugar,
chocolate, breads, etc., the things you shouldn't be eating
while trying to lose weight.
By doing these points we balance your bodies energy or CHI so
that you won't eat out of emotions but only when you are really
hungry. We will also ask that you try to do some form of
exercise and of course eat properly. If you follow a diet or
exercise program the laser with enhance or amplify your results.
Thank you again and we look forward to hearing from you.
Located inside Nails of Capri
1052 Peachtree Industrial Blvd
Suwanee, Ga 30024
By appointment only.